Friday 1 February 2013

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

Hey there, I'm dipping my toes in the waters of the blogging world.

So, I'm a mum, I live in London UK and I spend chunks of my day dreaming about Walt Disney World.

Biggest. Fireworks. Evah.
I have a large family.  No not the Large Family, and no, we're not overweight.  We're a family that has a few more people than is standard.

Average sized kinda cool family

Larger than average and *awesome* family

We've been to Disney World before but have had one more little person come in to our family since, and so it wouldn't be fair on him not to have experienced the magic himself!  I recently realised that the only chance we will get to take all of our children while they are children is soon.  Very soon.  Very soon in terms of how long it takes to save for something like this anyway.
Now some people might not get it.  I expect most people wouldn't.  Most of those people just haven't been.  Or they are dead inside.
It was my lifelong dream before we went in 2011, and it was our 'Once in a Lifetime' (ha!) holiday - so we had to get it right!  We got it fantastic, but I'll come back to that another time.  All I need to say now is that it was the happiest time we have ever spent together as a family and I want to relive that - we all want to relive that.

Now it's time to work out how possible/impossible that dream is.  Come with me on the journey?

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